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Playa Patagonia is an impressive 24 metres long and the glass in the tunnel is 10cm thick, which holds a massive 500,000 gallons of water!

The enclosure is currently home to our group of female Patagonian Sea Lions, also known as the South America Sea Lion, not to be confused with seals!

The Patagonia Sea Lion is stocky in build, with males approximately three times the size of females.

Sea Lions have been persecuted in the past by humans hunting for fur, which was common in the 1900’s, as well as shooting by fisherman to prevent Sea Lions predating their fisheries. Today, entrapment in fishing nets, as well as pollution, is a high cause of death.

To find out more information about our Sea Lions, visit their enclosure!

Animals in Playa Patagonia

Patagonian Sealion (Otaria byronia)

Patagonian Sealion (Otaria byronia)

Playa Patagonia

Coasts of South America
Least concern
Quick Fact:

Sealions use their fore and hind limbs for “walking” on the land and mainly use their front flippers for swimming.

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