Posted December 10, 2020 in News
Avian Influenza Precaution Measures
You may or may not be aware that there has recently been an outbreak of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Norfolk and surrounding areas.
Here at Colchester Zoo we are therefore taking pre-cautionary measures to protect the bird species in our care from this disease.
We already have in place bio-security measures such as foot dips and a change in the way in which the birds are fed as to not to attract wild birds in the area but we are also taking the following further actions;
- The Flamingo flock usually on the lake will be off show in a safe environment
- Our crane species including African crowned cranes and Blue cranes will be cared for in a safe off-show area
- Bio-security measures will be in place for remaining bird species which will continue to be visible to visitors such as Penguins, Lorikeets at our Australian Rainbows Walkthrough, Birds of prey, Ostrich and Darwin’s Rhea.
Animal Experiences
We are now able to take bookings for Penguin Keeper Shadows and Perfect Partner Experiences, these experiences will continue to take place but with additional bio-security measures in place which must be adhered to to protect both the birds and yourself. This includes the use of foot dips, please follow instruction from the Animal Care Team.
In may be necessary for other Animal Experiences taking place during this period which include the chance to meet bird species to be offered an alternative species of animal to meet safely.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused but our animals’ welfare and safety is paramount and therefore we are taking necessary actions to prevent the risk of our birds from contracting this disease. Thank you for your understanding.