Fire Incident within Playa Patagonia Coffee Shop

After zoo closing hours on the 7th July, unfortunately we had a fire incident at our Playa Patagonia Coffee Shop.

We are relieved to confirm that no one was harmed and the fire was contained within the Coffee Shop.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Firefighters who were quickly on hand to extinguish the fire and to clear the building of smoke.

The source of the fire came from behind the serving counter and unfortunately the Coffee Shop has suffered extensive damage. Due to the location of the shop this was easily accessible by Firefighters from the main road and extinguished by 7.15pm. The cause of the fire has been found to be due to the compressor malfunction within the scoop ice cream freezer. 

As the fire was contained within the Coffee Shop, the zoo remains a safe and enjoyable place to visit.

Whilst we work to repair the Coffee Shop, which will take weeks, our Penguini’s Restaurant will be opening as a temporary Coffee Shop to provide additional catering facilities.

Please note that Penguini’s will be operating a limited and reduced menu serving sandwiches, cold drinks, kids’ lunch boxes and snacks. The dining area of Penguini’s will remain closed until further notice.

Any fire incident is devastating and especially during these unprecedented times we are facing. This has added further worry and additional need of fighting for the zoos survival. We are just grateful that there were no injuries or casualties.

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