Calling All Scouting and Guiding Groups!

The next bookable Explorer Day is the 4th February 2023! Spaces are limited, so book soon to reserve your place!

Are you working on badge requirements, or encouraging your group to learn about endangered animals as part of your visit? Why not book to take part in one of Colchester Zoo’s Explorer Days?

These days provide an educational focus about endangered animals. Due to the nature of the topic, these days are recommended for children ages 6 and above, with tailored sessions designed for children ages 7-11 (Brownies, Cubs, etc.) and ages 10-14 (Guides, Scouts, etc.).

What’s included in an Explorer Day:

  • Educational Session about endangered species (approximately 1 hour)
  • Printed activity pack worksheets about endangered species to use during the rest of your visit
  • Explorer Day Goody Bag

For an additional £4 per child (in addition to the standard Educational Youth Group entry rates), you can book a place on one of our Explorer Days.

To book your visit, complete the online booking form and select ‘Explorer Day’ as an option when filling in the form.

If you have any questions about the next Explorer Days, or wish to inquiry about availability please contact our Education Department directly at 01206 332511, 01206 332512 or 01206 331292 or

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