If you have any questions about making a booking, wish to check availability for sessions on a specific date, or need to make any modifications after making your booking, please contact our education department directly at 01206 332511 or 01206 332512 or education@colchesterzoo.org

Payment is not required at the time of booking your school visit, nor in advance of your visit.
Payment options for schools are on the day or via invoice after your visit.
There is no charge or fee if you need to cancel your school visit or change the date of your visit.

To fill in this form you will require the following information:

  • School contact details
  • Proposed visit date
  • Estimated numbers of pupils and adults (final numbers will be confirmed on the day)
  • Which educational sessions you would like and potential times for these session

Visits must be booked by a teacher or group leader – students on general visits do not qualify
Groups must be from an official DfE registered school or an Ofsted registered nursery.

Visiting on multiple days?
Complete a separate booking form for each date that you are visiting.

Within five working days of filling in this form you will be emailed details confirming your trip.
Your visit (including sessions) is not confirmed until you receive this document.

All school visits to Colchester Zoo must be pre-booked a minimum of five days in advance in order to qualify for our discounted school rates.

The information you enter on this booking form will be completely secure and confidential. For more details of how we store and use data, please see our Privacy Policy, and the Policy for our booking form.

Are you a SEND school who visits Colchester Zoo frequently?

 If so, contact us to discuss our prepaid school tickets for SEND registered special school groups. Contact the education department directly via phone at 01206 332511 or 01206 332512 or email (education@colchesterzoo.org) to find out more or book your tickets.

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