UPDATE (MAY 2022): Our young male Philippine Spotted Deer has been named! The Animal Care Team have decided to name the new arrival EUGENE!

On 15th April, our Animal Care Team woke up to the joyful news that our female Philippine spotted deer, Autumn, had given birth to a healthy calf. This is Autumn’s third calf with male Philippine spotted deer, Bongat, after giving birth to a male calf in March 2020 and a female calf in March 2021. 

Bongat arrived at Colchester Zoo in March 2019 from Edinburgh Zoo, shortly followed by Autumn’s arrival in May 2019. It was hoped that Bongat and Autumn would become a successful breeding pair, and they haven’t disappointed, with both proving to be great parents to all their young. 

The young calf is already a great addition to the family at Island Dwellers, and is continuing to grow strong and healthy, and gaining confidence every day. The newborn is yet to be sexed by the Animal Care Team where a name will then be chosen. 

Photos by © Tom Smith ©Jamie Reeve ©Steve Stanton

This species of deer is currently listed as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, so it’s great news that we have another addition to the family, helping towards the conservation of this species. 

Our Philippine spotted deer currently share their home with our Visayan warty pigs who will remain off-show until the calf is strong enough to be housed within the same area as the pigs. 

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