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The gelada bridge has great viewing of our gelada baboons.

Geladas are mostly grass-eaters, and they are the last surviving species of ancient grazing primates. Geladas spend most of their day sitting down, plucking and munching on grasses and herbs.

You can also spot our flock of Chilean flamingos from the bridge and our playful lemurs in their walkthrough enclosure, Lost Madagascar, from above.

Animals in Gelada Plateau

Gelada Baboon (Theropithecus gelada)

Gelada Baboon (Theropithecus gelada)

Gelada Plateau

Central Etheopia
Near Threatened
Quick Fact:

The gelada baboons are the last surviving species of grass-grazing primates, spending ,most of their time on the ground and rarely climbing trees.

Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus Chilensis)

Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus Chilensis)

Gelada Plateau

South America
Near Threatened
Quick Fact:

Flamingos have bristtle-like tongues to filter water and food.

Their pink feathers come from the pigments in their diet.

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