Inca Trail is home to our large group of Humboldt penguins. You can also spot one of our Saki monkey groups at the top of the enclosure, near the upper viewing platform.
Humboldt penguins are monogamous and tend to mate for life. Many of our penguins do mate for life however some do like a change after a few years.
All penguins have individual patterns of spots on their chest and their own characters, which is how we can identify them.
This penguin is sometimes known as the Peruvian penguin. They have been exploited in two ways. Firstly, their droppings, or guano, makes wonderful fertiliser so has been collected in huge quantities. Secondly, their underskin fat deposits make an oil suitable for oil lamps. One Humboldt penguin can produce two pints of oil which could keep a small house lit for a week.